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UX UI Project

A Map Navigation feature that enables users to navigate to story and tour pins from their current position.


A Playlist feature that empowers users to save stories into personalized lists.

Redesigning the onboarding page to incorporate social media login and registration options.


3 months

(Feb - May 2022)


Market Research

Competitive Analysis

SWOT Analysis

User Interview

Persona & Journey Map

User Task Flow


Usability Testing

My Role

UX UI Designer

UX Researcher

(Team of 2)


UX Design

UI Design

User Research

Navigation Feature

Profile Page

Playlist Feature

     Project Overview     

What is Storius?

Storius is a free audio-based travel app that gives users detailed stories of spectacular sites in the world. It provide in-depth audio content on the precise location of different spots. With concrete GPS coordination, users can get on-the-spot insight and cater to self-guided in-depth travel.

What might we do?

Research Goal #1:

Gain insights into the prevailing market trends within the tourism industry.

Research Goal #2:

Determine Storius' target market and conduct a comprehensive analysis of competitors, assessing their strengths and weaknesses.

Research Goal #3:

Uncover the goals, needs, motivations, and pain points of Storius users.

Research Goal #4:

Identify key UX considerations and features that encourage users to engage with Storius on a habitual and daily basis.

     Design Process     

Learn about the business
​​Market Research

​​Competitive Analysis

​​SWOT Analysis

Learn about the user
​​User interview


​​Journey Map

Determine the challenges
• Painpoints
• Problem statement​​
Brainstorm solutions
• User flows​​
Simulate user experience
• Wireframes
• Prototype
Validate with users
• Usability tests


Market Research

To dig deeper into the latest trends in the tourism industry, I kicked off with some market research. This helped me gain valuable insights into Storius' market position by analyzing data from secondary sources.

It's all about staying in the know!

     Types of Tourism Storius Provided     

Local Tour

In-Depth Tour

One-Day Tours

Cheap Tours

Weekends Tours

 Cultivate curiosity if the city and places that we live in 

 Collecting In-Depth stories and tours 

  Educate the culture and history of the city 

Exhibition Tours

Architec-ture Tours

Celebrity Tours

Religion Tours

Green Tours


 Discover hidden stories about the places in our everyday life 

Art and Cultural Tours

History Tours

Our Business Mission

     Proposition within the New Forms of Tourism     


Blind Tours

Virtual Tours

Here we are!

BackPack (Single)

Audio Tour Apps

Independent Tours (Single)

Our opportunities

Our opportunities


Local Tours

Exchange Journeys

In-Depth Tours (themed)


BackPack (with friends)

In-Depth Tours (connecting with locals)

Traditional Guided Tours

Independent Tours (with family and friends)


Competitive Analysis

Following thorough market research,  I dedicated time to studying competing apps. Assessing Storius' top rivals, I explored their strengths, weaknesses, their unique differences, and why users might choose a particular service over another.


Moreover, I immersed myself in user reviews on the Play Store and App Store, gaining direct insights into what users love or dislike about different apps.






Offer engaging quizzes and structured lectures.


Abundance of diverse themes and content.


Seamless and user-friendly payment feature.

Strong brand identity with the use of illustrations.






Slight confusion due to excessive UI elements and buttons.

Disorganized information architecture, simplification and clear hierarchy needed.

Limited language options available.

Encountered unfamiliar navigation patterns.

SWOT Analysis


Professional content by authoritative partners.

The audio-based feature differentiats product from other travel-related apps in the market.

Ability to free travellers’ hands when they are travelling.


Increasing needs for contactless services under the pandemic.

Trend of domestic travel under the pandemic.


Globe trend of self-guided travelling.


Location-based, not friendly to navigation of remote places.

Audio-focused, videos, images, and texts are secondary stimulations.

Inability of indoor navigation - incapable to provide guidance for indoor areas.


Physical tours become more accessible due to more frequent partnerships with travel agencies like Klook.

People may prefer travelling aboard than travelling locally after the pandemic

User Interviews

To validate who the real users are and gain insights into their personal experiences with audio-touring and Storius, I carried out user interviews. I interviewed 5 existing users, spending 45-60 minutes with each, using open-ended questions.

     Example Questions:     

  • What do you think are the current trends in the tourism industry, specifically related to audio-based travel apps?

  • What motivated you to use Storius for your travel experiences?

  • Could you share any specific goals you had in mind when using the app?

  • What are some pain points or challenges you encountered while using Storius? How do you think those could be improved?

  • Have you come across any other audio-based travel apps? If so, what features do you find appealing in those apps?

  • What features or aspects of Storius encourage you to use it on a habitual or daily basis?

  • Are there any additional features or improvements that you believe would make Storius more engaging or enjoyable for daily use?

     Key Findings     


Users mentioned various motivations for choosing Storius, such as the desire for in-depth audio content about specific locations or discovering new places, the flexibility to engage in self-guided exploration, and the appeal of gaining on-the-spot insights using precise GPS coordinates.


Users encountered some pain points while using Storius, such as difficulties in finding and organizing content, navigation issues, and a desire for a more personalized and intuitive user interface


Some users were familiar with other audio-based travel apps. Features that they found appealing in those apps included interactive maps, user-generated content, and curated playlists tailored to specific themes or interests.


Users suggested incorporating features like social media login and registration options to streamline the onboarding process. 

     Insights about Storius Users     

Who are the users

Cultural lovers

History lovers

In-depth tour lovers

Story creatots

People who care about local culture and history 

Travel Lovers

Where users are from?

Local users (from Hong Kong, Cambodia)

Foreign tourists

What kind of experience are users seeking?

Unknown /

less known

In-depth, historical, cultural

Themed, organised, structured

Flexible, independent tour

Slow pace, relax

Self paced tour

Where, when will users use the APP?

Want to explore the city

Want to have a themed tour

Feel bored, walking at the street

Need info about tourist attractions

Prefer listening > reading

Tired of the info from tourist books

Want to create a story

User's core needs

Stories and tour content

Navigation, and map

Organised and guided experience

Freedom to start and stop tours

Share and discuss journeys

Travel Companion-ship

Save and bookmark stories for future use

User Persona

Drawing from my extensive secondary and primary research, I crafted a user persona that perfectly embodies the target audience for my design.


This persona played a crucial role in shaping my decisions throughout the design process, ensuring that the solution remains user-centric. Allow me to introduce you to Rebecca:

Rebecca Law


Sex: Female

Age: 28

Status: Single

Location: Hong Kong

I'm a travel enthusiast who craves immersive experiences, delving into heritage, culture, and making the most of every moment.


  • Kill time meaningfully

  • Explore the different cultural aspects of the places visiting & Hidden Stories

  • A quick solution to become familiar with the city


  • Able to discover local stories according to her preference

  • Able to navigate to attractions accurately

  • Able to customize her journey and manage it efficiently


  • Exploring anytime anywhere for local stories she likes

  • Have an easy way to manage tours and stories

  • Flexibility and freedom to travel around the city


  • Too time consuming to explore "hidden gems"

  • Face challenges to plot proper route to attractions

  • Not able to bookmark all her favourites in one place

  • Messy to plan her journey

User Journey

 Stage 1 : Onboarding 

 Stage 2 : Exploring 

 Stage 3 : Departure 

 Stage 4 : Journey End 

User access app's features and content through log-in

Users choose specific stories/tours for in-depth exploration

Users walk to the location, listen, and enrich their travel experience

Exploring next stories, and bookmarking current content for later

Annoyed to enter register/login  credentials

Here we go!

I don't know the way...

Wait...How can I bookmark for revisit and plan my next journey?

Excited to see many contents

Which one should I choose?


  • Short-cut for social media login

  • Auto-login and  remember credentials with prior authorization


  • Sorting stories with themes

  • Recommendation refer to distance, user preference and records


  • Adding navigation feature and plotting efficient walking route


  • Allowing user to access viewed record, bookmarked list easily

  • Perhaps user can create their playlist 

     Define Problems     

What are the pain points?

Challenges in efficiently navigating to various attractions within the app. They found it cumbersome to determine the best route to follow while exploring different stories and tour pins.


Lacking a centralized and organized system to save and access user's favorite stories. User desired a feature that allows them to conveniently bookmark stories or points of interest for easy reference and future exploration.


The app offers a huge amount of stories, which can become overwhelming when trying to bookmark them all into a single list. They desired a solution to better organize and categorize their favorite stories, making it easier to find and revisit specific content.


Annoyance of entering registration or login credentials.

How might we do?

Problem Statement #1:

How might we efficiently navigating user to various attractions within the app?

The addition of a Map Navigation feature will address this pain point by providing users with a user-friendly map interface that enables them to easily visualize their current location and the locations of stories and tour pins. This feature will offer visual cues on the map, guiding users to their desired stories and tour pins, improving their overall exploration experience.


Problem Statement #2:

How might we provide a centralized and organized system to save and access users favorite stories, addressing the challenge of efficiently bookmarking and revisiting points of interest?


The redesign of the Profile page UI will enhance the ability to well-manage users' viewed records, and bookmarked lists. The implementation of a Playlist feature will tackle this issue by allowing users to create personalized lists where they can save and organize their favorite stories. Users will be able to easily add stories to their playlists, making it convenient to access and enjoy their preferred content whenever they desire.

Problem Statement #3:

How might we improve the onboarding process and alleviate the annoyance of registration and login credentials?


Redesigning the onboarding page to incorporate social media login and registration options, allowing users to seamlessly authenticate using their social media accounts. This update will simplify the sign-up process, saving users time and effort while ensuring a smoother and more user-friendly experience.


Define User Flow

Now that I had a clear idea of how these cool new features would fit into Storius' existing design, I was eager to dive into how users would actually use them.


So, I created task flows to see the steps users would take and the pages they'd visit to get things done.

     Map Navigation Feature     


(Explore page)

Tap “Map”

Map page

Tap one story pin

Tap one tour pin

Story card pops up

Tour card pops up

Tap “GO”

Audio stops

Tap “Pause”

Audio plays with mini-player

Tap “Play”

View the plotted route and distance

Enter navigation mode

Tap “Exit”

Exit navigation mode

Back to previous map page


     Social Media Login and Sign-up     


(Explore page)

Tap “Profile”

Profile page

Have an account?


Login page



Tap social media icon 



Tap “>”

Create password and enter user info

Back to app


Auto-direct to social media app for login authorization


Back to app


“Start Over”

     Playlist Feature     

#Scenario: Rebecca wants to create a new playlist, add some stories into it. Then, she wants to play the playlist on a map view. 


(Explore page)

Tap “Profile”

Profile page



Profile page

Tap “Playlist”




Playlist name

Create playlist window pops up

“Add New”



Back to playlist page



Tap “Map”

Map page

Tap one story pin

Story card pops up

Tap add to playlist icon on story card

Playlist selection window pops up

Tap “Playlist”

Profile page

Tap “Profile”

Story added to playlist A


Check the box to add



Map page

Tap “Map”

Edit / add new playlist

Back to playlist page

View / Edit Playlist?

Map page

Swipe down window / uncheck all box and tap "Done" to cancel






playlist A

Playlist A



Map button

Direct to playlist map view with pins


Play button on mini-player



Low fidelity Wireframe Sketches

Using the site map as a guide, I developed low-fidelity wireframes, serving as a foundational blueprint. These sketches visualize my design concepts early on, aiding in the layout planning process.

High Fidelity Wireframes

Using Figma, I created wireframes for each flow of the app. We had a bunch of review sessions with the team, including the product manager and developers, to discuss them. 

Since we were all working on different flows and most of the project was done remotely, we used a design system to keep things consistent across all the screens. 




How is my design decision
and WHY?

     Map Navigation Feature     


Remove List & Filter Bar 

Only essential elements placed for a clean UI. As this feature isn't a primary user goal and is less used, the team positioned it in the search feature.


Redesigned Story Card

With the "Add to Playlist" and "Bookmark" buttons, users can conveniently save and organize their favorite stories.


Enter Navigation Mode

Essential information, like route and walk distance, will be shown on the map for efficient user guidance. Other UI elements, like story pins and cards will be hidden to avoid confusion during navigation, reappearing when the user exits.


Auto Map Rotation and Real-time GPS 

Enhance user experience by providing an intuitive wayfinding interface.


Play Story while Navigation

Create seamless walking and listening experience, fulfilling our goal of "Exploring anytime, anywhere."






     Social Media Login and Sign-in     


Add Social Login Button

Utilizing recognizable icons from popular social media apps aids user recognition. The prompt "or sign in with" sets user expectations for this feature.


Better UI Design for Checkbox 

The original design might confuse users as it doesn't align with common practices.


Sign-up Shortcut on Login Page

Enhance user control and flexibility by allowing one-click access to sign-up, streamlining the user flow.

     Revamp Profile Page with New Playlist Feature     



Redesign Segmented Control

Users may have misunderstood the icon as a playlist feature, when it was actually intended for story creators. I consolidated all creator features in the Studio page and transformed it into the Playlist Page.


Better UI Design for Scrolling

More details are displayed. Users can scroll left to view additional stories within each section.




Bookmark and Playlist Shortcut

Enhance user control and flexibility by allowing users to easily bookmark or add stories to playlists.


Manage Playlists Conveniently

A centralized and organized system that enables users to conveniently manage stories with multiple playlists.


Create Playlist

Eye catchy "Add New" button to create personalized lists with sorting playlist feature. Users can sorting by name, recently played or recently added, 


View Playlist on Map

Users will be able to use playlist as the tool to plan and start their journey. Other story pins and cards will be hidden to avoid confusion.


Sorting Stories Order

Enhance playlist organization by allowing users to sort stories by name, recently added, distance, or even custom order.


Edit or Share Playlist

Users can manage playlist with the listed feature. Also, they can share with friends to enjoy their preferred content. 


Why usability test?

Here's my next step! In order to measure the usability and identify any areas of improvement, 10 usability tests will be carried out. Stay tuned!

What are the research goals?

Identify Pain Points

Identify the challenges users face on the new Map Navigation feature, Playlist feature, and redesigned onboarding page.

Examine User Flow

Examine usability and effectiveness of new designs, as well as the smoothness of user flow.

Assessing UI Elements

Gathering user feedback regarding the clarity, intuitiveness, and effectiveness of visual design, layout, and functionality of various UI elements, aiming to improve the overall user experience.

What are the tasks?

Task 1a: Explore a specific story using the Map Navigation feature.

Task 1b: Navigate how to walk to that specific pin.

Task 2a: Create a personalized playlist.

Task 2b: Using two different ways to add stories to it.

Task 2c: Sorting stories' order in the playlist.

Task 2d: Delete story from playlist.

Task 2e: View playlist on map.

Task 3: Register and log in using social media credentials.


As a fresh face in this company...

I knew I had to dive deep into understanding our product and the ins and outs of our business. It took some time and effort, but trust me, it was all worth it. The more I learned, the more I realized how vital it is to truly know our own product inside out.


But here's the kicker - the competitive analysis taught me that it's equally important to "know the enemy." Understanding our competitors and their offerings helped me identify our unique selling points and discover new opportunities to stand out in the market. It's like having a secret weapon in our arsenal!

Being a good observer and listener

Throughout this project, I quickly discovered that the true magic happens when you put yourself in the users' shoes. By keenly observing and actively listening to our users, I was able to dig deep and uncover their needs and pain points. It was like being a detective on a mission to crack the case!


This user-centric approach not only helped me gain valuable insights but also guided my decision-making process. Empathizing with our users allowed me to design solutions that truly addressed their challenges and made their lives easier.

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